Patient Safety Measures: Complications Endorsement Maintenance
The percentage of members 18 years of age and older who received at least 180 treatment days of ambulatory medication therapy for a select therapeutic agent during the measurement year and at least one therapeutic monitoring event for the therapeutic agent in the measurement year. For each product line, report each of the four rates separately and as a total rate.
• Annual monitoring for members on angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB)
• Annual monitoring for members on digoxin
• Annual monitoring for members on diuretics
Number of acute embolus patients who have orders for anticoagulation (heparin or low-molecular weight heparin) for pulmonary embolus while in the ED.
Any time an endotracheal tube is placed into a patients airway in the Emergency Department (ED)or a patient arrives to the ED with an endotracheal tube already in place ( via EMS or hospital transfer) there should be appropriate confirmation of ETT placement and documentation of its performance in the medical record.
Percentage of patients having documentation of allergies and adverse reactions in the medical record.
Percentage of patients having a medication list in the medical record.
This measure assesses the number of patients with confirmed venous thromboembolism (VTE) during hospitalization (not present at admission) who did not receive VTE prophylaxis between hospital admission and the day before the VTE diagnostic testing order date.
Percentage of patients who had an increase in the number of pressure ulcers
Percentage of home health episodes of care in which the patient was assessed for pain, using a standardized pain assessment tool, at start/resumption of care.
Percentage of short term home health episodes of care during which pain interventions were included in the physician-ordered plan of care and implemented.
This Registry should be capable of
a. generating population based reports relating to published guideline goals or benchmarking data
b. providing comparisons to the practitioner
c. providing feedback that is related to guideline goals
d. capturing data for one or more chronic disease conditions (i.e. diabetes) or preventive care measures (i.e. USPTF recommendations) for all patients eligible for the measures