Anti-Platelet Medication at Discharge
Percent of patients aged 18 years and older undergoing isolated CABG who were discharged on anti-platelet medication
Percent of patients aged 18 years and older undergoing isolated CABG who were discharged on anti-platelet medication
Number of inpatient deaths per 100 discharges with a procedure for esophageal resection
Number of discharges with a procedure for esophageal resection
Percentage of patients undergoing hysterectomy for the indication of pelvic organ prolapse in which a concomitant vaginal apical suspension (i.e. uterosacral, iliococygeus, sacrospinous or sacral colpopexy, or enterocele repair) is performed.
Percentage of women undergoing hysterectomy for pelvic organ prolapse who have preoperative evaluation for stress urinary incontinence.
A reliability adjusted measure of AAA repair performance that optimally combines two important domains: AAA hospital volume and AAA operative mortality, to provide predictions on hospital AAA survival rates in patients age 18 and over.
A reliability adjusted measure of Esophagectomy surgical performance that optimally combines two important domains: Esophagectomy hospital volume and Esophagectomy operative mortality, to provide predictions on hospital Esophagectomy survival rates in patients age 18 and over.
A reliability adjusted measure of pancreatic resection surgical performance that optimally combines two important domains: Pancreatic resection hospital volume and pancreatic operative mortality, to provide predictions on hospital pancreatic survival rates in patients age 18 and.