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Person-and Family-Centered Care: Person-and Family-Centered Care

Ambulatory Palliative Care Patients’ Experience of Feeling Heard and Understood

This is a multi-item measure consisting of 4 items: Q1: “I felt heard and understood by this provider and team”, Q2: “I felt this provider and team put my best interests first when making recommendations about my care”, Q3: “I felt this provider and team saw me as a person, not just someone with a medical problem”, Q4: “I felt this provider and team understood what is important to me in my life.”


Back Pain: Shared Decision Making

Percentage of patients at least 18 years of age and younger than 80 with back pain with whom a physician or other clinician reviewed the range of treatment options, including alternatives to surgery prior to surgery. To demonstrate shared decision making, there must be documentation in the patient record of a discussion between the physician and the patient that includes all of the following.
1) Treatment choices, including alternatives to surgery;
2) Risks and benefits;
3) Evidence of effectiveness


CAHPS Health Plan Survey v 3.0 children with chronic conditions supplement

31- questions that supplement the CAHPS Child Survey v 3.0 Medicaid and Commercial Core Surveys, that enables health plans to identify children who have chronic conditions and assess their experience with the health care system. Level of analysis: health plan – HMO, PPO, Medicare, Medicaid, commercial


Clinician-Level and Clinician Group-Level Total Hip Arthroplasty and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty (THA and TKA) Patient-Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)

This patient-reported outcome-based performance measure uses the same measure specifications as the NQF-endorsed (NQF # 3559) hospital-level risk-standardized improvement rate (RSIR) following elective primary THA/TKA with the following exception: this measure attributes the outcome to a clinician or clinician group. Specifically, this measure will estimate a clinician-level and/or a clinician group-level RSIR following elective primary THA/TKA for Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) patients 65 years of age and older.


Clinician/Group’s Cultural Competence Based on the CAHPS® Cultural Competence Item Set

These measures are based on the CAHPS Cultural Competence Item Set, a set of supplemental items for the CAHPS Clinician/Group Survey that includes the following domains: Patient-provider communication; Complementary and alternative medicine; Experiences of discrimination due to race/ethnicity, insurance, or language; Experiences leading to trust or distrust, including level of trust, caring and confidence in the truthfulness of their provide; and Linguistic competency (Access to language services).


Clinicians/Groups’ Health Literacy Practices Based on the CAHPS Item Set for Addressing Health Literacy

These measures are based on the CAHPS Item Set for Addressing Health Literacy, a set of supplemental items for the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey. The item set includes the following domains: Communication with Provider (Doctor), Disease Self-Management, Communication about Medicines, Communication about Test Results, and Communication about Forms. Samples for the survey are drawn from adults who have had at least one provider´s visit within the past year. Measures can be calculated at the individual clinician level, or at the group (e.g., practice, clinic) level.


Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Nursing Home Survey: Discharged Resident Instrument

The CAHPS® Nursing Home Survey: Discharged Resident Instrument is a mail survey instrument to gather information on the experience of short stay (5 to 100 days) residents recently discharged from nursing homes. This survey can be used in conjunction with the CAHPS Nursing Home Survey: Family Member Instrument and the Long Stay Resident Instrument. The survey instrument provides nursing home level scores on 4 global items. In addition, the survey provides nursing home level scores on summary measures valued by consumers; these summary measures or composites are currently being analyzed.


Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Nursing Home Survey: Family Member Instrument

The CAHPS Nursing Home Survey: Family Member Instrument is a mail survey instrument to gather information on the experiences of family members of long stay (greater than 100 days) residents currently in nursing homes. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requested development of this questionnaire, which is intended to complement the CAHPS Nursing Home Survey: Long-Stay Resident Instrument and the Discharged resident Instrument.


Consumer Assessment of Health Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Nursing Home Survey: Long-Stay Resident Instrument

The CAHPS® Nursing Home Survey: Long-Stay Resident Instrument is an in-person survey instrument to gather information on the experience of long stay (greater than 100 days) residents currently in nursing homes. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requested development of this survey, and can be used in conjunction with the CAHPS Nursing Home Survey: Family Member Instrument and Discharged Resident Instrument.