This is a multi-item measure consisting of 4 items: Q1: “I felt heard and understood by this provider and team”, Q2: “I felt this provider and team put my best interests first when making recommendations about my care”, Q3: “I felt this provider and team saw me as a person, not just someone with a medical problem”, Q4: “I felt this provider and team understood what is important to me in my life.”
1.5 Measure Type1.7 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)1.8 Level Of Analysis1.20 Testing Data Sources
1.14 Numerator
The Feeling Heard and Understood measure is calculated using top-box scoring. The top-box score refers to the percentage of patient respondents that give the most positive response. For all four questions in this measure, the top box numerator is the number of respondents who answer “Completely true.” An individual’s score can be considered an average of the four top-box responses and these scores are adjusted for mode of survey administration and proxy assistance. Individual scores are combined to calculate an average score for an overall palliative care program.
1.15 Denominator
All patients aged 18 years and older who had an ambulatory palliative care visit.
Denominator exclusions include:
- Patients who do not complete at least one of the four items in the multi-item measure;
- Patients who do not complete the patient experience survey within six months of the eligible ambulatory palliative care visit;
- Patients who respond on the patient experience survey that they did not receive care by the listed ambulatory palliative care provider in the last six months (disavowal);
- Patients who were deceased when the survey reached them;
- Patients for whom a proxy completed the entire survey on their behalf for any reason (no patient involvement).
1.13a Data dictionary not attachedNo
Most Recent Endorsement ActivityEndorsed Geriatric and Palliative Care Fall 2021Initial EndorsementLast Updated
StewardAmerican Academy of Hospice and Palliative MedicineSteward Organization POC EmailSteward Organization Copyright
Risk AdjustmentRisk adjustment approachOffRisk adjustment approachOffConceptual model for risk adjustmentOffConceptual model for risk adjustmentOff
6.1.2 Current or Planned Use(s)6.1.3 Current Use(s)
Planned Use