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Hospital: Inpatient

Valid for Measure Submission

30-Day Post-Operative Colon Surgery (COLO) and Abdominal Hysterectomy (HYST) Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Standardized Infection Ratio (SIR)

Annual risk-adjusted standardized infection ratio (SIR) of observed over predicted deep incisional primary and organ/space surgical site infections (SSIs), over a 30-day post-operative surveillance period, among hospitalized adults who are >=18 year of age with a date of admission and date of discharge that are different calendar days, and the patient underwent a colon surgery (COLO) or abdominal hysterectomy (HYST) at an acute care hospital or oncology hospital.  The 30-day postoperative surveillance period includes SSIs detected upon admission to the facility or a readmission to t


Composite measure for the quality of care provided to patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI).

This is a weighted composite measure comprised of six component measures: three all-cause risk standardized outcome measures on all-cause mortality, bleeding, acute kidney injury and three process measures focused on discharge on guideline directed medical therapy, referral to a cardiac rehabilitation program and PCI performed within ninety minutes of symptoms for patients with acute myocardial infarctions. The target population includes adults (age 18 and greater) undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions. The timeframe for reporting will be a rolling four quarters.  


Continuity of Care After Inpatient or Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

The Continuity of Care After Inpatient or Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorder measure evaluates the percentage of discharges from inpatient or residential treatment for diagnoses of substance use disorders (SUD) among Medicaid or Medicare-Medicaid beneficiaries, aged 18 years and older, which were followed by a treatment service for SUD.


Days at Home for Patients with Complex, Chronic Conditions

This is an ACO-level measure of days at home or in community settings (that is, not in acute care such as inpatient hospital or emergent care settings or post-acute skilled nursing) among adult Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) beneficiaries with complex, chronic conditions who are attributed to ACOs participating in the ACO REACH model. The measure includes risk adjustment for differences in patient mix across ACOs, with an additional adjustment based on patients’ risk of death.


Excess Antibiotic Duration for Adult Hospitalized Patients with Uncomplicated Community-Acquired Pneumonia

The Excess Antibiotic Duration for Adult Hospitalized Patients with Uncomplicated Community-Acquired Pneumonia measure is a process measure representing the annual percentage of hospitalized adults with uncomplicated community-acquired pneumonia who receive an excess antibiotic duration. The measure will be calculated using electronic health record (EHR) data and is intended for use at the facility level for both quality improvement and pay-for-performance.


Global Malnutrition Composite Score

This composite measure assesses the percentage of hospitalizations for adults aged 18 years and older at the start of the inpatient encounter during the measurement period with a length of stay equal to or greater than 24 hours who received optimal malnutrition care during the current inpatient hospitalization where care performed was appropriate to the patient's level of malnutrition risk and severity.


Hospital 30-Day Risk-Standardized Readmission Rates following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)

This measure estimates a hospital-level risk-standardized readmission rate (RSRR) following PCI for Medicare Fee-for-Service (FFS) patients who are 65 years of age or older. The outcome is defined as unplanned readmission for any cause within 30 days following hospital stays. The measure includes both patients who are admitted to the hospital (inpatients) for their PCI and patients who undergo PCI without being admitted (outpatient or observation stay). A specified set of planned readmissions do not count as readmissions.


Hospital 30-Day, All-Cause, Risk-Standardized Mortality Rate (RSMR) Following Acute Ischemic Stroke Hospitalization with Claims-Based Risk Adjustment for Stroke Severity

The measure estimates the hospital-level, risk-standardized mortality rate (RSMR) for Medicare patients (Fee-for-Service [FFS] and Medicare Advantage[MA]) discharged from the hospital with a principal discharge diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke. The outcome is all-cause 30-day mortality, defined as death from any cause within 30 days of the index admission date, including in-hospital death, for stroke patients. The measure includes the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Stroke Scale as an assessment of stroke severity upon admission in the risk-adjustment model.


Hospital Harm – Falls with Injury

This ratio measure assesses the number of inpatient hospitalizations where at least one fall with a major or moderate injury occurs among the total qualifying inpatient hospital days for patients aged 18 years and older.
