30-Day Unplanned Readmissions for Cancer Patients measure is a cancer-specific measure. It provides the rate at which all adult cancer patients covered as Fee-for-Service Medicare beneficiaries have an unplanned readmission within 30 days of discharge from an acute care hospital. The unplanned readmission is defined as a subsequent inpatient admission to a short-term acute care hospital, which occurs within 30 days of the discharge date of an eligible index admission and has an admission type of “emergency” or “urgent.”
Measure Specs
General Information
This outcome measure demonstrates the rate at which adult cancer patients have unplanned readmissions within 30 days of discharge from an eligible index admission. The numerator includes all eligible unplanned readmissions to any short-term acute care hospital—defined as admission to a PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital (PCH), a short-term acute care Prospective Payment (PPS) hospital, or Critical Access Hospital (CAH)—within 30 days of the discharge date from an index admission that is included in the measure denominator. Readmissions with an admission type (UB-04 Uniform Bill Locator 14) of “emergency = 1” or “urgent = 2” are considered unplanned readmissions within this measure. Readmissions for patients with progression of disease (using a principal diagnosis of metastatic disease as a proxy) and for patients with planned admissions for treatment (defined as a principal diagnosis of chemotherapy or radiation therapy) are excluded from the measure numerator.
The denominator includes inpatient admissions for all adult Fee-for-Service Medicare beneficiaries where the patient is discharged from a short-term acute care hospital (PCH, short-term acute care PPS hospital, or CAH) with a principal or secondary diagnosis (i.e., not admitting diagnosis) of malignant cancer within the defined measurement period.
The following index admissions are excluded from the measure denominator:
1) Less than 18 years of age;
2) Patients who died during the index admission;
3) Patients discharged AMA;
4) Patients transferred to another acute care hospital during the index admission;
5) Patients discharged with a planned readmission;
6) Patients having missing or incomplete data; and,
7) Patients not admitted to an inpatient bed.
Measure Record
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