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Bereaved Family Survey - Performance Measure (BFS-PM) Score (%) for all Veteran Affairs Medical Center Inpatient Deaths

The Bereaved Family Survey-Performance Measure (BFS-PM) is an outcome measure that is used to assess overall quality of care in the last month of life.  Currently, the BFS is administered to the next-of-kin of all Veterans who die in a VA inpatient setting (i.e., acute units, intensive care units, inpatient hospice and palliative care units, and VA nursing homes) 4-6 weeks post-death. The BFS-PM is calculated using the global rating item included on the 20-item BFS that has separate versions for male and female Veterans and is available in English and Spanish.


CoreQ: AL Family Satisfaction Measure

The measure calculates the percentage of family or designated responsible party for assisted living (AL) residents who are satisfied. This consumer reported outcome measure is based on the CoreQ: AL Family Satisfaction questionnaire that has three items.


Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Measures

The Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Survey consists of 19 measures that assess the experiences of Medicaid participants’ age 18 and older receiving long-term services and supports (LTSS). The measures report a case-mix adjusted top-box score. Measure scores are calculated based on participant responses to a cross-disability survey about their experiences with the LTSS they receive in the community, delivered through a Medicaid-funded HCBS program.


Patient Understanding of Key Information Related to Recovery After a Facility-Based Outpatient Procedure or Surgery, Patient Reported Outcome-Based Performance Measure

This measure assesses how well facilities provide clear, personalized discharge instructions to patients aged 18 years or older who had a surgery or procedure at an outpatient facility. It uses a 9-item survey to obtain patient’s feedback on 3 domains: applicability; medications; and daily activities. Facility scores are calculated by averaging the individual patient scores for each facility.