Medication Reconciliation for Patients Receiving Care at Dialysis Facilities
Percentage of patient-months for which medication reconciliation* was performed and documented by an eligible professional.**
CBE ID2988
Percentage of patient-months for which medication reconciliation* was performed and documented by an eligible professional.**
Percentage of patients for whom a designated PTA medication list was generated by referencing one or more external sources of PTA medications and for which all PTA medications have a documented reconciliation action by the end of Day 2 of the hospitalization.
The percentage of discharges from January 1–December 1 of the measurement year for patients 18 years of age and older for whom medications were reconciled the date of discharge through 30 days after discharge (31 days total).
The percentage of discharges during the first 11 months of the measurement year (e.g., January 1–December 1) for patients 66 years of age and older for whom medications were reconciled on or within 30 days of discharge.
This measure assesses the actual quality of the medication reconciliation process by identifying errors in admission and discharge medication orders due to problems with the medication reconciliation process. The target population is any hospitalized adult patient. The time frame is the hospitalization period.
Percentage of patient visits, regardless of age, seen with a new occurrence of melanoma who have a treatment plan documented in the chart that was communicated to the physician(s) providing continuing care within one month of diagnosis.
Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a current diagnosis of melanoma or a history of melanoma whose information was entered, at least once within a 12 month reporting period, into a recall system that includes:
• A target date for the next complete physical skin exam , AND
• A process to follow up with patients who either did not make an appointment within the specified timeframe or who missed a scheduled appointment
The percentage of children and adolescents 1-17 years of age who had two or more antipsychotic prescriptions and had metabolic testing.
Percentage of pediatric (less than 18 years old) in-center hemodialysis patients (irrespective of frequency of dialysis) for whom delivered HD dose was measured by spKt/V as calculated using UKM or Daugirdas II during the reporting period.
This measure identifies adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis who were prescribed at least a 6-month supply of methotrexate during the measurement year and received a CBC test within 120 days (3 months + 1 month grace period) following the earliest observed methotrexate prescription claim