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Payment Program

Valid for Measure Submission
Valid for Initial Endorsement
Valid for Maintenance

Percentage of Prevalent Patients Waitlisted (PPPW)

  • This measure tracks the percentage of patients in each dialysis practitioner group practice who were on the kidney or kidney-pancreas transplant waitlist. Results are averaged across patients prevalent on the last day of each month during the reporting year.

    Please note, this measure is at the dialysis practitioner level (the clinician who receives the Monthly Capitation Payment for overseeing dialysis care).

    The proposed measure is a directly standardized percentage, which is adjusted for covariates (e.g. age and risk factors).

    CBE ID

Perioperative Hemorrhage or Hematoma Rate (PSI 09)

  • Perioperative hemorrhage or hematoma cases involving a procedure to treat the hemorrhage or hematoma, following surgery per 1,000 surgical discharges for patients ages 18 years and older. Excludes cases with a diagnosis of coagulation disorder; cases with a principal diagnosis of perioperative hemorrhage or hematoma; cases with a secondary diagnosis of perioperative hemorrhage or hematoma present on admission; cases where the only operating room procedure is for treatment of perioperative hemorrhage or hematoma; obstetric cases.

    CBE ID