Patients 18 years of age and older with a post-PCI bleeding event as defined below: Post-PCI bleeding defined as any ONE of the following: 1. Bleeding event w/in 72 hours ; OR 2. Hemorrhagic stroke; OR 3. Cardiac Tamponade; OR 4. Post-PCI transfusion for patients with a pre-procedure hemoglobin (Hgb) >8 g/dL and pre-procedure Hgb not missing; OR 5. Absolute Hgb decrease from pre-PCI to post-PCI of >= 4 g/dl AND pre-procedure Hgb =<16 g/dL AND pre-procedure Hgb not missing
1.15 Denominator
Patients 18 years of age and older with a PCI procedure performed during admission
1. Patients who did not have a PCI (episodes of care with a diagnostic catheterization only); 2. Patients who died on the same day of the procedure 3. Patients who underwent CABG during the episode of care
Measure Record
Most Recent Endorsement Activity
Endorsed Cardiovascular Fall Cycle 2018
Initial Endorsement
Last Updated
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Steward Organization
American College of Cardiology
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American College of Cardiology Foundation All Rights Reserved
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