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Quality Improvement (Internal to the specific organization)

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Outpatient hearing screening of infants who did not complete screening before hospital discharge (EHDI-1c)

  • This measure assesses the proportion of all newborn infants who did not complete a hearing screen prior to discharge, who went on to receive an outpatient screen before the child was 31 days of age.

    *Numbering within the parentheses references the US national extension quality measure identifiers developed for the Use Cases published in the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Quality, Research and Public Health (QRPH) EHDI Technical Framework Supplement available at

    CBE ID

Overall Defect Free Care for AMI

  • The proportion of acute MI patients >= 18 years of age that receive "perfect care" based upon their eligibility for each performance measures

    CBE ID

Overutilization of Imaging Studies in Melanoma

  • Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a current diagnosis of Stage 0 through IIC melanoma or a history of melanoma of any stage, without signs or symptoms suggesting systemic spread, seen for an office visit during the one-year measurement period, for whom no diagnostic imaging studies were ordered

    CBE ID

Pancreatic Resection Mortality Rate (IQI 9)

  • In-hospital deaths per 1,000 discharges with pancreatic resection, ages 18 years and older. Includes metrics for discharges grouped by type of diagnosis and procedure. Excludes acute pancreatitis discharges, obstetric discharges, and transfers to another hospital.
    [NOTE: The software provides the rate per hospital discharge. However, common practice reports the measure as per 1,000 discharges. The user must multiply the rate obtained from the software by 1,000 to report in-hospital deaths per 1,000 hospital discharges.]

    CBE ID