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Median Time to Pain Management for Long Bone Fracture

  • Median time from emergency department arrival to time of initial oral, intranasal or parenteral pain medication administration for emergency department patients with a principal diagnosis of long bone fracture (LBF).

    CBE ID

Medical Home System Survey (MHSS)

  • The Medical Home System Survey (MHSS) assesses the degree to which an individual primary-care practice or provider has in place the structures and processes of an evidence-based Patient Centered Medical Home. The survey is composed of six composites. Each measure is used to assess a particular domain of the patient-centered medical home.

    Composite 1: Patient-Centered Access
    Composite 2: Team-Based Care
    Composite 3: Population Health Management
    Composite 4: Care Management and Support
    Composite 5: Care Coordination and Care Transitions

    CBE ID

Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary (MSPB) - Hospital

  • The MSPB Hospital measure evaluates hospitals’ risk-adjusted episode costs relative to the risk-adjusted episode costs of the national median hospital. Specifically, the MSPB Hospital measure assesses the cost to Medicare for Part A and Part B services performed by hospitals and other healthcare providers during an MSPB Hospital episode, which is comprised of the periods 3-days prior to, during, and 30-days following a patient’s hospital stay. The MSPB Hospital measure is not condition specific and uses standardized prices when measuring costs.

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Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary – Post Acute Care Measure for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities

  • The Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary – Post Acute Care Measure for Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (MSPB-PAC IRF) was developed to address the resource use domain of the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act). This resource use measure is intended to evaluate each IRF’s efficiency relative to that of the national median IRF. Specifically, the measure assesses Medicare spending by the IRF and other healthcare providers during an MSPB episode.

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Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary – Post Acute Care Measure for Long-Term Care Hospitals

  • The Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary – Post Acute Care Measure for Long-Term Care Hospitals (MSPB-PAC LTCH) was developed to address the resource use domain of the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 (IMPACT Act). This resource use measure is intended to evaluate each LTCH’s efficiency relative to that of the national median LTCH. Specifically, the measure assesses Medicare spending by the LTCH and other healthcare providers during an MSPB episode.

    CBE ID

Medication Information

  • Percentage of patients transferred to another HEALTHCARE FACILITY whose medical record documentation indicated that medication information was communicated to the receiving FACILITY within 60 minutes of departure

    CBE ID

Melanoma Coordination of Care

  • Percentage of patient visits, regardless of age, seen with a new occurrence of melanoma who have a treatment plan documented in the chart that was communicated to the physician(s) providing continuing care within one month of diagnosis.

    CBE ID

Melanoma: Continuity of Care – Recall System

  • Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a current diagnosis of melanoma or a history of melanoma whose information was entered, at least once within a 12 month reporting period, into a recall system that includes:
    • A target date for the next complete physical skin exam , AND
    • A process to follow up with patients who either did not make an appointment within the specified timeframe or who missed a scheduled appointment

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