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Pediatric Patient Safety for Selected Indicators (PDI 19)

  • Pediatric Patient Safety for Selected Indicators (PDI 19) is a weighted average of the observed-to-expected ratios for the following component indicators: PDI 01 Accidental Puncture or Laceration Rate, PDI 02 Pressure Ulcer Rate, PDI 05 Iatrogenic Pneumothorax Rate, PDI 10 Postoperative Sepsis Rate, PDI 11 Postoperative Wound Dehiscence Rate, and PDI 12 Central Venous Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection Rate.

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Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC)

  • The Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC) is a brief parent-report questionnaire that is used to assess overall psychosocial functioning in children from 3 to 18 years of age. Originally developed to be a screen that would allow pediatricians and other health professionals to identify children with poor overall functioning who were in need of further evaluation or referral, the PSC has seen such wide use in large systems that it has increasingly been used as a quality indicator and as an outcome measure to assess changes in functioning over time.

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Pediatric weight documented in kilograms

  • Percentage of emergency department visits by patients < 18 years of age with a current weight documented in kilograms in the ED electronic health record; measure to be reported each month.

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Percent of High Risk Residents with Pressure Ulcers (Long Stay)

  • This measure reports the percentage of long-stay, high-risk, residents in a nursing home who have Stage II-IV or unstageable pressure ulcers on a selected target assessment in the target quarter. The long stay nursing home population is defined as residents who have received 101 or more cumulative days of nursing home care by the end of the target assessment period. A nursing home resident is defined as high-risk for pressure ulcer if they meet one or more of the following three criteria:
    1. Impaired bed mobility or transfer
    2. Comatose

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Percent of Low Risk Residents Who Lose Control of Their Bowels or Bladder (Long-Stay)

  • This measure updates CMS’ MDS 2.0 QM on bowel and bladder control. It is based on data from Minimum Data Set (MDS) 3.0 assessments of low risk long-stay nursing facility residents (those whose cumulative days in the facility is greater than 100 days). This measure reports the percent of long-stay residents with a selected target assessment who are frequently or always bladder or bowel incontinent as indicated on the target MDS assessment (OBRA, PPS or discharge) during the selected quarter (3-month period).

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Percent of Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Pneumococcal Vaccine (Long-Stay)

  • This measure is based on data from MDS 3.0 assessments of long-stay nursing facility residents. The measure reports the percentage of all long-stay residents 5 years and older who were assessed and appropriately given the Pneumococcal Vaccination as reported on the target MDS assessment (OBRA, PPS or discharge) during the 12-month reporting period. This proposed measure is harmonized with NQF’s quality measure on Pneumococcal Immunizations.(1) The MDS 3.0 definitions have been changed to conform to the NQF standard.

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Percent of Residents Assessed and Appropriately Given the Seasonal Influenza Vaccine (long stay)

  • This measure reports the percentage of long-stay residents, 180 days of age and older, who were in a nursing facility for at least one day during the most recently completed influenza vaccination season (IVS), and who were assessed and appropriately given the seasonal influenza vaccine . The IVS is defined as beginning on October 1 and ends on March 31 of the following year.

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