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Valid for Measure Submission

Children Who Have Inadequate Insurance Coverage For Optimal Health

  • The measure is designed to ascetain whether or not current insurance program coverage is adequate for the child´s health needs--whether the out of pocket expenses are reasonable; whether the child is limited or not in choice of doctors; and whether the benefits meet child´s healthcare needs.

    CBE ID

Children Who Receive Family-Centered Care

  • A composite measure designed to assess the family-centeredness of care delivery along several dimensions: whether doctor 1) partners with family in care, 2) listens to patient/parent carefully, 3) spends enough time with child, 4)is sensitive to family values/customs, 5) provides needed information, 6)whether family is able to access interpreter help, if needed.

    CBE ID

Children Who Receive Preventive Medical Visits

  • Assesses how many medical preventive visits in a 12 month period, such as a physical exam or well-child check-up (does not include visits related to specific illnesses)

    CBE ID