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Populations at Risk

Communication with the physician or other clinician managing on-going care post fracture for men and women aged 50 years and older

Percentage of adults 50 years and older treated for a fracture with documentation of communication, between the physician treating the fracture and the physician or other clinician managing the patient’s on-going care, that a fracture occurred and that the patient was or should be considered for osteoporosis treatment or testing. This measure is reported by the physician who treats the fracture and who therefore is held accountable for the communication.


Community Acquired Pneumonia Admission Rate (PQI 11)

Discharges with a principal diagnosis of community acquired bacterial pneumonia per 100,000 population, age 18 or older. Excludes sickle cell or hemoglobin-S admissions, other indications of immunocompromised state admissions, obstetric admissions, and transfers from other institutions.

[NOTE: The software provides the rate per population. However, common practice reports the measure as per 100,000 population. The user must multiply the rate obtained from the software by 100,000 to report admissions per 100,000 population.]


Congestive Heart Failure Rate (PQI 08)

Admissions with a principal diagnosis of heart failure per 100,000 population, ages 18 years and older. Excludes cardiac procedure admissions, obstetric admissions, and transfers from other institutions.

[NOTE: The software provides the rate per population. However, common practice reports the measure as per 100,000 population. The user must multiply the rate obtained from the software by 100,000 to report admissions per 100,000 population.]