The percentage of children 2–18 years of age who were diagnosed with pharyngitis, dispensed an antibiotic and received a group A streptococcus (strep) test for the episode. A higher rate represents better performance (i.e., appropriate testing).
A group A streptococcus test (Group A Strep Tests Value Set) in the seven-day period from three days prior to the Index Episode Start Date (IESD) through three days after the IESD.
Codes are detailed in the attached value set directory (VSD).
1.15 Denominator
Children age 2 years as of July 1 of the year prior to the measurement year to 18 years as of June 30 of measurement year who had an outpatient or ED visit with only a diagnosis of pharyngitis and were dispensed an antibiotic for the episode of care during the 6 months prior to through the 6 months after the beginning of the measurement year.
1) Exclude encounters with more than one diagnosis and ED visits that result in an inpatient admission. 2) Exclude episodes if the patient did not receive antibiotics on or within three days after the date of service. 3) Exclude episodes where a new or refill prescription for an antibiotic medication (Table CWP-C) was filled 30 days prior to the date of service or which was active on the date of service.
Measure Record
Most Recent Endorsement Activity
Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed EENT Endorsement Maintenance Project 2014
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