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Beta-blocker prescribed at discharge for AMI

1.4 Project
Endorsement Status
1.1 New or Maintenance
E&M Cycle
Is Under Review
1.3 Measure Description

Percentage of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients who are prescribed a beta-blocker at hospital discharge

        • 1.14 Numerator

          AMI patients who are prescribed a beta-blocker at hospital discharge

        • 1.15 Denominator

          AMI patients (International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision, Clinical Modification [ICD-9-CM] principal diagnosis code of AMI: 410.00, 410.01, 410.10, 410.11, 410.20, 410.21, 410.30, 410.31, 410.40, 410.41, 410.50, 410.51, 410.60, 410.61, 410.70, 410.71, 410.80, 410.81, 410.90, 410.91)

        • Exclusions

          •<18 years of age
          •Patients who have a length of stay greater than 120 days
          •Patients enrolled in clinical trials
          •Discharged to another hospital
          •Left against medical advice
          •Discharged to home for hospice care
          •Discharged to a health care facility for hospice care
          •Patients with comfort measures only documented
          •Patients with a documented reason for no beta-blocker at discharge

        • Most Recent Endorsement Activity
          Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed Cardiovascular Project 2015-2016
          Initial Endorsement
          Last Updated
          Removal Date