To ensure that all eligible members who have been newly diagnosed and resected with colorectal cancer receive a follow-up colonoscopy within 15 months of resection.
Members receiving a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, or protoscopy as appropriate during the 15 months after the index date.
Note: Index date is defined as the first instance of denominator criterion A or B.
Time Window: The 15 months after the index date.
1.15 Denominator
Continuously enrolled members who are status post resection of colorectal cancer during the year ending 15 months prior to the measurement year.
Time Window: The one year period ending 15 months prior to the measurement year.
Members who are status post resection of colon cancer any time prior to the index date, or members who were in hospice care 0 to 15 months after the index date.
Note: Index date is defined as the first instance of denominator criterion A or B.
Measure Record
Most Recent Endorsement Activity
Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed Cancer Endorsement Maintenance Project
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