Adult Blood Culture Contamination Rate; A national measure and standard for clinical laboratories and antibiotic stewardship programs
This measure estimates hospital risk-standardized 30-day all-cause mortality rate following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) among patients who are 18 years of age or older with STEMI or cardiogenic shock at the time of procedure. The measure uses clinical data available in the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) CathPCI Registry for risk adjustment. For the purpose of development and testing, the measure cohort was derived in a Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) population of patients 65 years of age or older with a PCI.
This measure estimates hospital risk-standardized 30-day all-cause mortality rate following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) among patients who are 18 years of age or older without STEMI and without cardiogenic shock at the time of procedure. The measure uses clinical data available in the National Cardiovascular Data Registry (NCDR) CathPCI Registry for risk adjustment. For the purpose of development and testing, the measure used a Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) population of patients 65 years of age or older with a PCI.
Number of rehospitalizations occurring within 30 days of discharge from an acute care hospital (prospective payment system (PPS) or critical access hospital (CAH)) per 1000 FFS Medicare beneficiaries at the state and community level by quarter and year.
The proportion of encounters at which antibiotics prescribed to patients aged 2 months to 12 years for Acute Otitis Media (AOM) conform to the AAP/AAFP recommendation for first-line use of amoxicillin.
The measure addresses adherence to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)/angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). The measure is reported as the percentage of eligible individuals with diabetes mellitus who had at least two prescriptions for ACEIs/ARBs and who have a Proportion of Days Covered (PDC) of at least 0.8 during the measurement period (12 consecutive months).
The measure addresses adherence to oral diabetes agents (ODA). The measure is reported as the percentage of eligible individuals with diabetes mellitus who had at least two prescriptions for a single oral diabetes agent or at least two prescriptions for multiple agents within a diabetes drug class and who have a Proportion of Days Covered (PDC) of at least 0.8 for at least one diabetes drug class during the measurement period (12 consecutive months)
The measure addresses adherence to statins. The measure is reported as the percentage of eligible individuals with diabetes mellitus who had at least two prescriptions for statins and who have a Proportion of Days Covered (PDC) of at least 0.8 during the measurement period (12 consecutive months).
Median time from admit decision time to time of departure from the emergency department for emergency department patients admitted to inpatient status
Percentage of adult (age 18 and older) U.S. population that currently smoke.