The total number of hours that all psychiatric inpatients were maintained in physical restraint.
Numerator Basis: The numerator evaluates the number of hours of physical restraint; however, the algorithm calculates the number of minutes to ensure a more accurate calculation of the measure. Convert the minutes to hours when analyzing and reporting this measure.
1.15 Denominator
Number of psychiatric inpatient days
Denominator basis: per 1,000 hours
To compute this measure rate, a base of 1000 hours has been applied to total patient days in the denominator (i.e., total patient days are divided by 1000). The purpose of this is to create a smaller denominator number, thus providing a more understandable rate. When multiplied by 1000, this rate measures numerator occurrence per total patient days.
Total leave days
Measure Record
Most Recent Endorsement Activity
Endorsed Behavioral Health and Substance Use Spring Cycle 2019
Initial Endorsement
Last Updated
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Steward Organization
The Joint Commission
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Steward Organization Copyright
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