Percent of Rh negative pregnant women at risk of fetal blood exposure who receive Rhogam the ED.
1.5 Measure Type1.7 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)1.8 Level Of Analysis1.9 Care Setting1.20 Testing Data Sources
1.14 Numerator
Number of appropriate patients who receive Rhogam in the ED.
1.15 Denominator
All women, confirmed pregnant, who are at significant risk of fetal blood exposure, including:
1. those diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy
2. those in the second or third trimester:
a: with a threatened abortion (threatened, partial, complete, or spontaneous)
b. those who report or are found to have significant vaginal bleeding (not just spotting)
c. those who have sustained blunt abdominal trauma
3. those who undergo an invasive obstetric procedure in the ED (genetic amniocentesis; chorion villus sampling; fetal blood sampling, D&C).
1. Patient refusal
2. Patients who have received appropriate Rh immunoglobulin previously
3. OB/GYN consultation documenting Rh immunoglobulin not recommended
Most Recent Endorsement ActivityMeasure Retired and Endorsement Removed National Voluntary Consensus Standards for Ambulatory Care: Additional Outpatient Measures 2010Initial EndorsementLast UpdatedRemoval Date
StewardAmerican College of Emergency PhysiciansSteward Organization POC EmailSteward Organization Copyright
Risk Adjustment
6.1.2 Current or Planned Use(s)6.1.3 Current Use(s)
Planned Use