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Patient(s) with an emergency medicine visit for non-traumatic chest pain that had an ECG.

Endorsement Status
1.1 New or Maintenance
E&M Cycle
Is Under Review
1.3 Measure Description

This measure identifies patients with an emergency medicine visit for non-traumatic chest pain that had an ECG done as part of their evaluation.

        • 1.14 Numerator

          Patients who have an emergency medicine visit for non-traumatic chest pain, who had an electrocardiogram (ECG) during the event

        • 1.15 Denominator

          Patients 40 years of age or older who have an emergency medicine encounter with a diagnosis of chest pain

        • Exclusions

          1. Exclude emergency medicine events that included hospitalizations
          2. Exclude emergency medicine events without a preceding clear window
          3. Exclude emergency medicine events where the member was less than 40 years of age on the episode end date

        • Most Recent Endorsement Activity
          Measure Retired and Endorsement Removed National Voluntary Consensus Standards for Ambulatory Care: Additional Outpatient Measures 2010
          Initial Endorsement
          Last Updated
          Removal Date
        • Steward
          Steward Organization Email
          Steward Organization Copyright

          The information in this document is subject to change without notice. This documentation contains proprietary information, and is protected by U.S. and international copyright. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, modifying, or recording, without the prior written permission of Ingenix, Inc. No part of this documentation may be translated to another program language without the prior written consent of Ingenix, Inc.

          © 2009 Ingenix, Inc.

          HEDIS is a registered trademark of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).

          National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) Notice:

          HEDIS® 2009 Measure Specification: The HEDIS® measures and specifications were developed by and are owned by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (“NCQA”). The HEDIS measures and specifications are not clinical guidelines and do not establish standards of medical care. NCQA makes no representations, warranties, or endorsement about the quality of any organization or physician that uses or reports performance measures or any data or rates calculated using the HEDIS measures and specifications and NCQA has no liability to anyone who relies on such measures or specifications. © 2008 National Committee for Quality Assurance, all rights reserved.

          The following rule types indicate NCQA HEDIS rules: NS-H and NSHA.
          American Medical Association Notice:
          CPT only © 2008 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
          Fee schedules, relative value units, conversion factors and/or related components are not assigned by the AMA, are not part of CPT, and the AMA is not recommending their use. The AMA does not directly or indirectly practice medicine or dispense medical services. The AMA assumes no liability for data contained or not contained herein.
          CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association.
          The following rule type indicates AMA rules: NS-A.
          U.S. Government Rights:
          This product includes CPT® and/or CPT® Assistant and/or CPT® Changes which is commercial technical data and/or computer data bases and/or commercial computer software and/or commercial computer software documentation, as applicable which were developed exclusively at private expense by the American Medical Association, 515 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 60610. U.S. Government rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose these technical data and/or computer data bases and/or computer software and/or computer software documentation are subject to the limited rights restrictions of DFARS 252.227-7015(b)(2) (November 1995) and/or subject to the restrictions of DFARS 227.7202-1(a) (June 1995) and DFARS 227.7202-3(a) (June 1995), as applicable for U.S. Department of Defense procurements and the limited rights restrictions of FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987) and/or subject to the restricted rights provisions of FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987) and FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987), as applicable, and any applicable agency FAR Supplements, for non-Department of Defense Federal procurements.
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          CDT-4 codes and descriptions are © copyright 2008 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any media of all or any portion of this work is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of American Dental Association.