Steward no longer seeking endorsement.
The proportion of encounters at which antibiotics prescribed to patients aged 2 months to 12 years for Acute Otitis Media (AOM) conform to the AAP/AAFP recommendation for first-line use of amoxicillin.
1.5 Measure Type1.7 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)1.8 Level Of Analysis1.9 Care Setting1.20 Testing Data Sources
1.14 Numerator
0.25% in the African American population, pediatric cancer 0.3%, and urinary tract infection with vesicoureteral reflux 0.5-2%).
The utility of the measure for benchmarking across similar entities, or for detection of trends over time, is not affected by these factors, which are expected to remain relatively constant.
1.15 Denominator
All patients aged 2 months through 12 years with a diagnosis of acute otitis media (AOM), an antibiotic prescribed at the current visit, and no antibiotic prescription in the prior 30 days.
Diagnosis of alternate, co-occurring infection for which antibiotics are typically indicated will be excluded (as specified in S.11. Denominator Exclusion Details).
OLD 1.12 MAT output not attachedAttached1.13a Data dictionary not attachedNo
Most Recent Endorsement Activity - OLDEndorsed 2016-2017 Off-Cycle Activities: Measure ReviewInitial EndorsementLast UpdatedRemoval Date
StewardThe Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaSteward Organization POC Email
Risk AdjustmentRisk adjustment approachOffRisk adjustment approachOffConceptual model for risk adjustmentOffConceptual model for risk adjustmentOff
6.1.2 Current or Planned Use(s)