Among women ages 15 through 44 who had a live birth, the percentage that is provided:
1) A most effective (i.e., sterilization, implants, intrauterine devices or systems (IUD/IUS)) or moderately (i.e., injectables, oral pills, patch, or ring) effective method of contraception within 3 and 60 days of delivery.
2) A long-acting reversible method of contraception (LARC) within 3 and 60 days of delivery.
Two time periods are proposed (i.e., within 3 and within 60 days of delivery) because each reflects important clinical recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). The 60-day period reflects ACOG recommendations that women should receive contraceptive care at the 6-week postpartum visit. The 3-day period reflects CDC and ACOG recommendations that the immediate postpartum period (i.e., at delivery, while the woman is in the hospital) is a safe time to provide contraception, which may offer greater convenience to the client and avoid missed opportunities to provide contraceptive care.
Contraceptive Care - Postpartum
1.5 Project
Endorsement Status
1.0 New or Maintenance
1.1 Measure Structure
Previous Endorsement Cycle
Is Under Review
Next Maintenance Cycle
Spring 2025
1.6 Measure Description
1.7 Measure Type
1.3 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)
1.8 Level of Analysis
1.9 Care Setting
1.20 Types of Data Sources
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