The risk adjusted facility level transfusion ratio “STrR” is specified for all adult dialysis patients. It is a ratio of the number of eligible red blood cell transfusion events observed in patients dialyzing at a facility, to the number of eligible transfusion events that would be expected under a national norm, after accounting for the patient characteristics within each facility. Eligible transfusions are those that do not have any claims pertaining to the comorbidities identified for exclusion, in the one year look back period prior to each observation window.
This measure is calculated as a ratio, but can also be expressed as a rate.
Number of eligible observed red blood cell transfusion events: An event is defined as the transfer of one or more units of blood or blood products into a recipient’s blood stream (code set is provided in the numerator details) among patients dialyzing at the facility during the inclusion episodes of the reporting period. Inclusion episodes are those that do not have any claims pertaining to the comorbidities identified for exclusion, in the one year look back period prior to each observation window.
1.15 Denominator
Number of eligible red blood cell transfusion events (as defined in the numerator statement) that would be expected among patients at a facility during the reporting period, given the patient mix at the facility. Inclusion episodes are those that do not have any claims pertaining to the comorbidities identified for exclusion, in the one year look back period prior to each observation window.
All transfusions associated with transplant hospitalization are excluded. Patients are also excluded if they have a Medicare claim for: hemolytic and aplastic anemia, solid organ cancer (breast, prostate, lung, digestive tract and others), lymphoma, carcinoma in situ, coagulation disorders, multiple myeloma, myelodysplastic syndrome and myelofibrosis, leukemia, head and neck cancer, other cancers (connective tissue, skin, and others), metastatic cancer, and sickle cell anemia within one year of their patient time at risk. Since these comorbidities are associated with higher risk of transfusion and require different anemia management practices that the measure is not intended to address, every patient’s risk window is modified to have at least 1 year free of claims that contain these exclusion eligible diagnoses.
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