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Waveform Capnography in Ventilated Patients: Percent of patient transport contacts with advanced airways in whom continuous waveform capnography was used.

Endorsement Status
E&M Committee Rationale/Justification

Due to No Consensus.

1.0 New or Maintenance
Previous Endorsement Cycle
Is Under Review
1.6 Measure Description

This metric is designed to measure the critical care transport team's utilization of waveform capnography during critical care medical transport.  Waveform capnography has evolved as the standard for the safe placement and maintenance of advanced airways (e.g., endotracheal tubes) in adult and pediatric patients.  The metric specifically focuses on transported patients with advanced airways in whom continuous waveform capnography is appropriately used.  This metric is stratified by age into the following three categories: neonatal (defined as infants <29 days), pediatric (defined as patients aged 29 days to <18 years), and adults (defined as age 18 or older). This metric is reported as “Percent of patients with advanced airways in whom waveform capnography was utilized." Transport programs track this metric for each applicable transport and report their average utilization percentage monthly.

Measure Specs
General Information
1.7 Measure Type
1.7 Composite Measure
1.3 Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM)
1.8 Level of Analysis
1.9b Other Care Setting
Critical Care Transport/ground/rotor wing/fixed wing
1.10 Measure Rationale

Based on the summative evidence, waveform capnography in adults, pediatric and neonatal care is well-supported in the out-of-hospital critical care transport domain for verification of tracheal tube placement within the trachea just as it is for in-hospital care.

1.20 Types of Data Sources
1.20a Other Data Source
Outpatient Services
1.25 Data Source Details

Programs track local data using their organizations' established protocols, then abstract this data using EHR user-created reports with subsequent data validation by examining individual EHRs for inclusion/exclusion. Data are tabulated monthly and manually transferred into a web-based, data-secured platform called The GAMUT QI Collaborative Database. The numbers needed to calculate the metric are derived from the patient’s EHRs using the following fields: the presence of an advanced airway, the presence of waveform capnography use, and what age category defines the patient (neonatal, pediatric, or adult). Once calculated, the monthly metric is then entered into the GAMUT Quality Improvement Collaborative Database.