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Submission Tool and Repository Measure Database

As the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) consensus-based entity (CBE), Battelle Memorial Institute (Battelle) discloses complete information (e.g., full measure specifications, coding logic, algorithms) regarding each measure to the public for the purpose of evaluating, analyzing, or displaying of each measure for endorsement consideration. If an interested party wishes to attain complete measure information for the use and/or implementation of a measure, the interested party should contact the measure steward. Contact information for the measure steward can be found under the “Point of Contact” section of the respective measure page within the Submission Tool and Repository (STAR). Battelle is not responsible for, nor is privy to the measure use agreements that may be established between a measure steward and an interested party.

To obtain a copy of the full measure submission forms for measures endorsed prior to Fall 2023 cycle, please contact [email protected].

No Filters Selected
          CBE ID Sort descending Title Steward Endorsement Cycle Status Date of Last Endorsement Decision
          3720 Patient Reported Fatigue Following Chemotherapy among Adults with Breast Cancer Purchaser Business Group on Health Endorsed
          3722 Home Dialysis Rate Kidney Care Quality Alliance Not Endorsed
          3725 Home Dialysis Retention Kidney Care Quality Alliance Not Endorsed
          3726 Serious Illness Survey for Home-Based Programs RAND Corporation Endorsed
          3728 Skilled Nursing Facility Healthcare-Associated Infections Requiring Hospitalization (SNF HAI) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Endorsed
          3729 Ratio of observed over predicted rates for diagnosis of cognitive impairment of any stage University of Southern California Not Endorsed
          3734 Alignment of Person Centered Service Plan (PCSP) with Functional Assessment Standardized items (FASI) needs Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Endorsed
          3735 CVD Risk Follow-up Measure - Proportion of patients with a positive CVD risk assessment who receive follow-up care University of California, Irvine Not Endorsed
          3742 ESRD Dialysis Patient Life Goals Survey (PaLS) Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Not Endorsed
          3746 Avoid Hospitalization After Release with a Misdiagnosis—ED Stroke/Dizziness (Avoid H.A.R.M.—ED Stroke/Dizziness) Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute for Patient Safety and Quality Endorsed