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Child Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (Child HCAHPS) Survey

  • The Child Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (Child HCAHPS) Survey is a standardized survey instrument that asks parents and guardians (henceforth referred to as parents) of children under 18 years old to report on their and their child’s experiences with inpatient hospital care.

    The performance measures of the Child HCAHPS survey consist of 39 items organized by overarching groups into the following 18 composite and single-item measures:

    Communication with Parent
    1. Communication between you and your child’s nurses (3 items)

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Rheumatoid Arthritis: Assessment of Disease Activity

  • Percentage of patients 18 years and older with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and >=50% of total number of outpatient RA encounters in the measurement year with assessment of disease activity using a standardized measure.

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Oral Evaluation, Dental Services

  • Percentage of enrolled children under age 21 years who received a comprehensive or periodic oral evaluation within the reporting year.

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Hospital 30-day, all-cause, unplanned, risk-standardized readmission rate (RSRR) following coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery

  • The measure estimates a hospital-level risk-standardized readmission rate (RSRR), defined as unplanned readmission for any cause within 30-days from the date of discharge for a qualifying index CABG procedure, in patients 65 years and older.

    An index admission is the hospitalization for a qualifying isolated CABG procedure considered for the readmission outcome.

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Risk-Adjusted Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Readmission Rate

  • Risk-adjusted percentage of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries aged 65 and older who undergo isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and are discharged alive but have a subsequent acute care hospital inpatient admission within 30 days of the date of discharge from the CABG hospitalization.

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