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Resolution Health, Inc.

Rheumatoid Arthritis New DMARD Baseline Liver Function Test

  • This measure identifies adult patients with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis who received appropriate baseline liver function testing (AST or ALT) within 90 days before to 14 days after the new start of sulfasalazine, methotrexate, leflunomide, azathioprine, cyclosporine or cyclophosphamide during the measurement year.

    CBE ID

Rheumatoid Arthritis New DMARD Baseline Serum Creatinine

  • This measure identifies adult patients with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis who received appropriate baseline serum creatinine testing within 90 days before to 14 days after the new start of methotrexate, leflunomide, azathioprine, D-Penicillamine, intramuscular gold, cyclosporine, or cyclophosphamide during the measurement year.

    CBE ID

Stent drug-eluting clopidogrel

  • This measure identifies patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with placement of a drug-eluting intracoronary stent during the first 9 months of the measurement year, who filled a prescription for clopidogrel in the 3 months following stent placement.

    CBE ID

Tympanostomy Tube Hearing Test

  • This measure identifies the percentage of patients age 2 through 12 years with OME who received tympanostomy tube(s) insertion during the measurement year and had a hearing test performed within 6 months prior to the initial tube placement.

    CBE ID

Warfarin_PT/ INR Test

  • This measure identifies the percentage of patients taking warfarin during the measurement year who had at least one PT/INR test within 30 days after the first warfarin prescription in the measurement year

    CBE ID