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Beta-Blocker Therapy (i.e., Bisoprolol, Carvedilol, or Sustained-Release Metoprolol Succinate) for LVSD Prescribed at Discharge

  • Proportion of heart failure patients age 18 and older with LVSD for whom beta-blocker therapy (i.e., bisoprolol, carvedilol, or sustained-release metoprolol succinate) is prescribed at discharge. For purposes of this measure, LVSD is defined as chart documentation of a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) less than 40% or a narrative description of left ventricular systolic (LVS) function consistent with moderate or severe systolic dysfunction.

    CBE ID

Bilateral Cardiac Catheterization Rate (IQI 25)

  • Bilateral cardiac catheterization discharges per 1,000 heart catheterizations discharges for coronary artery disease for patients ages 18 years and older. Excludes valid indications for right- side catheterization discharges and obstetric discharges.

    [NOTE: The software provides the rate per hospital discharge. However, common practice reports the measure as per 1,000 discharges. The user must multiply the rate obtained from the software by 1,000 to report specific procedure discharges per 1,000 hospital discharges.]

    CBE ID

Biopsy Follow-up

  • Percentage of patients who are undergoing a biopsy whose biopsy results have been reviewed by the biopsying physician and communicated to the primary care/referring physician and the patient.

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Bipolar antimanic agent

  • This measure identifies the percentage of patients with newly diagnosed bipolar disorder who have received at least 1 prescription for a mood-stabilizing agent during the measurement year.

    CBE ID

Bipolar Disorder: Assessment for diabetes

  • Percentage of patients treated for bipolar disorder who are assessed for diabetes within 16 weeks after initiating treatment with an atypical antipsychotic agent.

    CBE ID

Bipolar Disorder: Level-of-function evaluation

  • Percentage of patients treated for bipolar disorder with evidence of level-of-function evaluation at the time of the initial assessment and again within 12 weeks of initiating treatment

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