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Single Measure

Total Per Capita Cost (TPCC)

  • The Total Per Capita Cost (TPCC) measure assesses the overall cost of care delivered to a beneficiary with a focus on the primary care they receive from their provider(s). The TPCC measure score is a clinician’s average risk-adjusted and specialty-adjusted cost across all beneficiary months attributed to the clinician during a one year performance period.

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Total Resource Use Population-based PMPM Index

  • The Resource Use Index (RUI) is a risk adjusted measure of the frequency and intensity of services utilized to manage a provider group’s patients. Resource use includes all resources associated with treating members including professional, facility inpatient and outpatient, pharmacy, lab, radiology, ancillary and behavioral health services.

    A Resource Use Index when viewed together with the Total Cost of Care measure (NQF-endorsed #1604) provides a more complete picture of population based drivers of health care costs.

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Tracking of Clinical Results Between Visits

  • Documentation of the extent to which a provider uses a certified/qualified electronic health record (EHR) system to track pending laboratory tests, diagnostic studies (including common preventive screenings) or patient referrals. The Electronic Health Record includes provider reminders when clinical results are not received within a predefined timeframe.

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Transfusion Reaction Count (PDI 13)

  • The number of medical and surgical discharges with a secondary diagnosis of transfusion reaction for patients ages 17 years and younger. Excludes cases with a principal diagnosis of transfusion reaction, cases with a secondary diagnosis of transfusion reaction that is present on admission, neonates, and obstetric cases.

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Transfusion Reaction Count (PSI 16)

  • The number of medical and surgical discharges with a secondary diagnosis of transfusion reaction for patients ages 18 years and older or obstetric patients. Excludes cases with a principal diagnosis of transfusion reaction or cases with a secondary diagnosis of transfusion reaction that is present on admission.

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Tympanostomy Tube Hearing Test

  • This measure identifies the percentage of patients age 2 through 12 years with OME who received tympanostomy tube(s) insertion during the measurement year and had a hearing test performed within 6 months prior to the initial tube placement.

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