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Person-Centered Primary Care Measure PRO-PM

  • The Person-Centered Primary Care Measure instrument is an 11-item patient reported assessment of primary care. Patients complete the PCPCM instrument once a year. These instruments are used to calculate a performance score for the participating entity. That entity could be an individual clinician or a practice. The 11 items of the PCPCM assess primary care aspects rarely captured yet thought responsible for primary care effects on population health, equity, quality, and sustainable expenditures.

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Pharmacotherapy Management of COPD Exacerbation

  • This measure assesses the percentage of COPD exacerbations for patients 40 years of age and older who had an acute inpatient discharge or ED visit on or between January 1-November 30 of the measurement year and who were dispensed appropriate medications. Two rates are reported:
    1. Dispensed a systemic corticosteroid (or there was evidence of an active prescription) within 14 days of the event.
    2. Dispensed a bronchodilator (or there was evidence of an active prescription) within 30 days of the event.

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Pharmacotherapy Management of COPD Exacerbation (PCE)

  • This measure assesses the percentage of COPD exacerbations for members 40 years of age and older who had an acute inpatient discharge or ED encounter on or between January 1–November 30 of the measurement year and who were dispensed appropriate medications.

    Two rates are reported.
    1. Dispensed a systemic corticosteroid within 14 days of the event
    2. Dispensed a bronchodilator within 30 days of the event

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Physical Activity in Older Adults (PAO)

  • This measure has two rates that assess the promotion of physical activity in older adults:

    Discussing Physical Activity: Percentage patients 65 years of age and older who reported discussing their level of exercise or physical activity with a doctor or other health provider in the last 12 months

    Advising Physical Activity: Percentage patients 65 years of age and older who reported receiving advice to start, increase, or maintain their level of exercise or physical activity from a doctor or other health provider in the last 12 months

    CBE ID

Physician Information

  • Percentage of patients transferred to another HEALTHCARE FACILITY whose medical record documentation indicated that physician information was communicated to the receiving FACILITY within 60 minutes of departure

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