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Full Year 2013

Maternal Depression Screening

  • The percentage of children 6 months of age who had documentation of a maternal depression screening for the mother.

    CBE ID

Median Time to ECG

  • Median time from emergency department arrival to ECG (performed in the ED prior to transfer) for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or Chest Pain patients (with
    Probable Cardiac Chest Pain).

    CBE ID

Medication Information

  • Percentage of patients transferred to another HEALTHCARE FACILITY whose medical record documentation indicated that medication information was communicated to the receiving FACILITY within 60 minutes of departure

    CBE ID

New Atrial Fibrillation: Thyroid Function Test

  • This measure identifies patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation during the measurement year who have had a thyroid function test 6 weeks before or after the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation.

    CBE ID

Nursing Information

  • Percentage of patients transferred to another HEALTHCARE FACILITY whose medical record documentation indicated that nursing information was communicated to the receiving FACILITY within 60 minutes of departure

    CBE ID

Participation by a physician or other clinician in systematic clinical database registry that includes consensus endorsed quality measures

  • Participation in a systematic qualified clinical database registry involves:
    a. Physician or other clinician submits standardized data elements to registry
    b. Data elements are applicable to consensus endorsed quality measures
    c. Registry measures shall include at least two (2) representative NQF consensus endorsed measures for registry's clinical topic(s) and report on all patients eligible for the selected measures.
    d. Registry provides calculated measures results, benchmarking, and quality improvement information to individual physicians and clinicians.

    CBE ID

Participation in a Systematic National Dose Index Registry

  • Participation in a multi-center, standardized data collection and feedback program that will establish national dose index benchmarks for designated examinations. The registry will eventually provide a comparison of practice or facility dose indices such as CTDIvol and DLP for specified examinations relative to national and regional benchmarks. Data is captured electronically from the images of CT examinations using Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standards and the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Radiation Exposure Monitoring (REM) profile.

    CBE ID

Patient Information

  • Percentage of patients transferred to another HEALTHCARE FACILITY whose medical record documentation indicated that patient information was communicated to the receiving FACILITY within 60 minutes of departure

    CBE ID