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Care Coordination

Median Time from ED Arrival to ED Departure for Discharged ED Patients

  • NQF #0496 calculates the median time from emergency department arrival to time of departure from the emergency room for patients discharged from the emergency department (ED). The measure is calculated using chart-abstracted data, on a rolling quarterly basis, and is publically reported in aggregate for one calendar year. The measure has been publically reported since 2013 as part of the ED Throughput measure set of the CMS’ Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (HOQR) Program.

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Medication Reconciliation Post-Discharge

  • The percentage of discharges from January 1–December 1 of the measurement year for patients 18 years of age and older for whom medications were reconciled the date of discharge through 30 days after discharge (31 days total).

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