Geriatric and Palliative Care
This measure reflects the percentage of hospice patients with documentation of a discussion of spiritual/religious concerns or documentation that the patient/caregiver/family did not want to discuss.
Percentage of patients who report being uncomfortable because of pain at the initial assessment who, at the follow up assessment, report pain was brought to a comfortable level within 48 hours.
Percentage of actively enrolled home-based primary care and palliative care patients who received an assessment of their cognitive ability.
Percentage of actively enrolled home-based primary care and palliative care patients who receive an ADL and IADL assessment.
*Basic ADLs must include but are not limited to: bathing, transferring, toileting, and feeding; Instrumental ADLs (IADL) must include but are not limited to: telephone use and managing own medications
Following the conclusion of the Fall 2022 public comment period, the project committee reviews submitted comments. After its review, the committee may choose to revise its recommendations within in response to a specific comment or series of comments. In addition the project committee will re-vote on measures in which consensus was not reached during the Fall 2022 measure evaluaiton meeting. Any revisions will be reflected in the final report.
The Geriatrics and Palliative Care Standing Committee oversees the consensus based entity's geriatric, palliative, and end-of-life care measures. Measures in this portfolio address physical aspects of care, including the management of pain, dyspnea, and constipation. The portfolio also includes measures addressing several of the other domains of care including spiritual, psychological, cultural, and legal aspects of care and care of the patient at the end of life.
Percentage of hospice or palliative care patients who were screened for dyspnea during the hospice admission evaluation / palliative care initial encounter.
Percentage of patients who screened positive for dyspnea who received treatment within 24 hours of screening.
This quality measure is defined as:
Percentage of hospice or palliative care patients who screened positive for pain and who received a clinical assessment of pain within 24 hours of screening.