Percentage of actively enrolled home-based primary care and palliative care patients who receive an ADL and IADL assessment.
*Basic ADLs must include but are not limited to: bathing, transferring, toileting, and feeding; Instrumental ADLs (IADL) must include but are not limited to: telephone use and managing own medications
Submission Criteria 1 - Newly enrolled: Number of newly enrolled home-based primary care and palliative care patients who were assessed for basic ADL and IADL impairment at enrollment.
Submission Criteria 2 - Established patients: Number of established home-based primary care and palliative care patients who were assessed for ADL and IADL impairment at enrollment and annually
1.15 Denominator
Submission Criteria 1 - Newly enrolled: Total number of newly enrolled (and active) home-based primary care and palliative care patients. The enrollment period includes 90 days from the first recorded new patient E&M visit code with the practice. *A patient is considered active if they have at least 2 E&M visit codes with a provider from the practice within the reporting period.
Submission Criteria 2 - Established patients: Total number of established enrolled and active home-based primary care and palliative care patients. A patient is considered established if they have at least 2 Established Patient Encounter E&M visit codes with a provider from the practice within the reporting period.
Submission Criteria 1 - Newly enrolled: Denominator Exceptions: Most recent new patient encounter (with subsequent established patient encounter) occurs within the last 90 days of the measurement period
Submission Criteria 2 - Established patients: There are no exceptions or exclusions for this submission criteria.
Measure Record
Most Recent Endorsement Activity
Endorsed Geriatrics and Palliative Care Spring Cycle 2019
Initial Endorsement
Last Updated
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Steward Organization
American Academy of Home Care Medicine
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The Johns Hopkins University and the University of California, San Francisco. All Rights Reserved.
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