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Fall 2024

Valid for Measure Submission

Cross-Setting Discharge Function Score – for Home Health Agencies

This outcome measure estimates the percentage of Home Health (HH) Medicare patients (18+) who meet or exceed an expected discharge function score over a 12-month period.

The expected discharge function score is a risk-adjusted estimate that accounts for patient characteristics.


E&M Fall 2024 Advanced Illness and PAC Endorsement Meeting

The purpose of this meeting is for Recommendation Group members to discuss and share perspectives regarding the measures under endorsement review for their respective E&M committee. Endorsement voting occurs during these virtual meetings. Advisory Group members are invited to attend these Recommendation Group meetings to listen to the discussion. Measure developers/stewards are invited and encouraged to attend, as they will have the opportunity to respond to the Recommendation Group discussion during the meeting.


E&M Fall 2024 Advisory Group Meetings

The purpose of this meeting is for Advisory Group members to raise questions and share perspectives verbally regarding the measures under endorsement review for their respective E&M committee. No voting occurs during these virtual meetings.  Rather, Advisory Group members will be asked to review the measures assigned to their respective committee and come to the meeting to ask questions and provide feedback regarding the strengths and limitations of the measures.

E&M Fall 2024 Cost and Efficiency Endorsement Meeting

The purpose of this meeting is for Recommendation Group members to discuss and share perspectives regarding the measures under endorsement review for their respective E&M committee. Endorsement voting occurs during these virtual meetings. Advisory Group members are invited to attend these Recommendation Group meetings to listen to the discussion. Measure developers/stewards are invited and encouraged to attend, as they will have the opportunity to respond to the Recommendation Group discussion during the meeting.


E&M Fall 2024 Initial Recognition Endorsement Meeting

The purpose of this meeting is for Recommendation Group members to discuss and share perspectives regarding the measures under endorsement review for their respective E&M committee. Endorsement voting occurs during these virtual meetings. Advisory Group members are invited to attend these Recommendation Group meetings to listen to the discussion. Measure developers/stewards are invited and encouraged to attend, as they will have the opportunity to respond to the Recommendation Group discussion during the meeting.

E&M Fall 2024 Listening Session

The Fall 2024 E&M Cycle is underway, and there are several ways to get involved and provide thoughts about measures under review! The Partnership for Quality Measurement (PQM) will be hosting a Public Comment Listening Session on November 21 so interested parties can provide verbal comments about the Fall 2024 measures. On November 15, the Fall 2024 measures will be posted for public comment, at which point any interested party may submit a comment through the PQM website or register to provide a comment verbally during the November 21 Public Comment Listening Session.

E&M Fall 2024 Management of Acute Events and Chronic Conditions Endorsement Meeting

The purpose of this meeting is for Recommendation Group members to discuss and share perspectives regarding the measures under endorsement review for their respective E&M committee. Endorsement voting occurs during these virtual meetings. Advisory Group members are invited to attend these Recommendation Group meetings to listen to the discussion. Measure developers/stewards are invited and encouraged to attend, as they will have the opportunity to respond to the Recommendation Group discussion during the meeting.


E&M Fall 2024 Primary Prevention Endorsement Meeting

The purpose of this meeting is for Recommendation Group members to discuss and share perspectives regarding the measures under endorsement review for their respective E&M committee. Endorsement voting occurs during these virtual meetings. Advisory Group members are invited to attend these Recommendation Group meetings to listen to the discussion. Measure developers/stewards are invited and encouraged to attend, as they will have the opportunity to respond to the Recommendation Group discussion during the meeting.

Hospice Visits in the Last Days of Life

The proportion of hospice patients who received hospice visits from a Registered Nurse or Medical Social Worker (non-telephonically) associated with the measured hospice entity during at least two of the final three days of life.