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Monitoring hemoglobin levels below target minimum

  • Percentage of all adult (>=18 years old) hemodialysis patients, peritoneal dialysis, and home hemodialysis patients with ESRD >=3 months and who had Hb values reported for at least 2 of the 3 study months, who have a mean Hb <10.0 g/dL for a 3 month study period, irrespective of ESA use.

    CBE ID

MRI Lumbar Spine for Low Back Pain

  • This measure evaluates the percentage of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the lumbar spine studies for low back pain performed in the outpatient setting where conservative therapy was not attempted prior to the MRI. Antecedent conservative therapy may include claim(s) for physical therapy in the 60 days preceding the lumbar spine MRI, claim(s) for chiropractic evaluation and manipulative treatment in the 60 days preceding the lumbar spine MRI, or claim(s) for evaluation and management at least 28 days but no later than 60 days preceding the lumbar spine MRI.

    CBE ID

Neonatal Blood Stream Infection Rate (NQI 03)

  • Discharges with healthcare-associated bloodstream infection per 1,000 discharges for newborns and outborns with birth weight of 500 grams or more but less than 1,500 grams; with gestational age between 24 and 30 weeks; or with birth weight of 1,500 grams or more and death, an operating room procedure, mechanical ventilation, or transferring from another hospital within two days of birth. Excludes discharges with a length of stay less than 3 days and discharges with a principal diagnosis of sepsis, or bacteremia, or newborn bacteremia.

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Non-Emergent Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Measure

  • The Non-Emergent CABG episode-based cost measure evaluates a clinician’s risk-adjusted cost to Medicare for patients who undergo a CABG procedure during the performance period. The measure score is the clinician’s risk-adjusted cost for the episode group averaged across all episodes attributed to the clinician. This procedural measure includes costs of services that are clinically related to the attributed clinician’s role in managing care during each episode from 30 days prior to the clinical event that opens, or “triggers,” the episode through 90 days after the trigger.

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Nursing Hours per Patient Day

  • NSC-13.1 (RN hours per patient day) – The number of productive hours worked by RNs with direct patient care responsibilities per patient day for each in-patient unit in a calendar month.

    NSC-13.2 (Total nursing care hours per patient day) – The number of productive hours worked by nursing staff (RN, LPN/LVN, and UAP) with direct patient care responsibilities per patient day for each in-patient unit in a calendar month.

    Measure focus is structure of care quality in acute care hospital units.

    CBE ID

Nursing Information

  • Percentage of patients transferred to another HEALTHCARE FACILITY whose medical record documentation indicated that nursing information was communicated to the receiving FACILITY within 60 minutes of departure

    CBE ID

Operative Mortality Stratified by the 5 STAT Mortality Categories

  • Percent of patients undergoing index pediatric and/or congenital heart surgery who die, including both 1) all deaths occurring during the hospitalization in which the procedure was performed, even if after 30 days (including patients transferred to other acute care facilities), and 2) those deaths occurring after discharge from the hospital, but within 30 days of the procedure, stratified by the five STAT Mortality Categories, a multi-institutional validated risk stratification tool

    CBE ID

Optimal End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Starts

  • Information From 2015 Submission

    Optimal End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Starts is the percentage of new adult ESRD patients during the measurement period who experience a planned start of renal replacement therapy by receiving a preemptive kidney transplant, by initiating home dialysis (peritoneal dialysis or home hemodialysis), or by initiating outpatient in-center hemodialysis via arteriovenous fistula or arteriovenous graft.

    CBE ID

Pancreatic Resection Mortality Rate (IQI 9)

  • In-hospital deaths per 1,000 discharges with pancreatic resection, ages 18 years and older. Includes metrics for discharges grouped by type of diagnosis and procedure. Excludes acute pancreatitis discharges, obstetric discharges, and transfers to another hospital.
    [NOTE: The software provides the rate per hospital discharge. However, common practice reports the measure as per 1,000 discharges. The user must multiply the rate obtained from the software by 1,000 to report in-hospital deaths per 1,000 hospital discharges.]

    CBE ID