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No risk adjustment or risk stratification

Pain Assessment and Follow-Up

  • Percentage of visits for patients aged 18 years and older with documentation of a pain assessment using a standardized tool(s) on each visit AND documentation of a follow-up plan when pain is present

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Pain Assessment Conducted

  • Percentage of home health episodes of care in which the patient was assessed for pain, using a standardized pain assessment tool, at start/resumption of care.

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Participation by a physician or other clinician in systematic clinical database registry that includes consensus endorsed quality measures

  • Participation in a systematic qualified clinical database registry involves:
    a. Physician or other clinician submits standardized data elements to registry
    b. Data elements are applicable to consensus endorsed quality measures
    c. Registry measures shall include at least two (2) representative NQF consensus endorsed measures for registry's clinical topic(s) and report on all patients eligible for the selected measures.
    d. Registry provides calculated measures results, benchmarking, and quality improvement information to individual physicians and clinicians.

    CBE ID

Participation in a Practice-based or individual Quality Database Registry with a standard measure set.

  • This Registry should be capable of
    a. generating population based reports relating to published guideline goals or benchmarking data
    b. providing comparisons to the practitioner
    c. providing feedback that is related to guideline goals
    d. capturing data for one or more chronic disease conditions (i.e. diabetes) or preventive care measures (i.e. USPTF recommendations) for all patients eligible for the measures

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