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Follow-up After Emergency Department Visits for Asthma

This process measure seeks to capture follow up after asthma-related emergency department (ED) visits for children with asthma after discharge from the ED, as recommended by the NHLBI 2007 guidelines. This measure assesses the percentage of asthma-related ED visits for children ages 3-21 with a follow-up visit with a primary care clinician or an asthma subspecialist within 14 days of discharge from the ED, within the reporting year, for patients who are enrolled in the health plan for two consecutive months following the ED visit. 


Adherence to ACEIs/ARBs for Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus

The measure addresses adherence to angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs)/angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). The measure is reported as the percentage of eligible individuals with diabetes mellitus who had at least two prescriptions for ACEIs/ARBs and who have a Proportion of Days Covered (PDC) of at least 0.8 during the measurement period (12 consecutive months).


Adherence to Oral Diabetes Agents for Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus

The measure addresses adherence to oral diabetes agents (ODA). The measure is reported as the percentage of eligible individuals with diabetes mellitus who had at least two prescriptions for a single oral diabetes agent or at least two prescriptions for multiple agents within a diabetes drug class and who have a Proportion of Days Covered (PDC) of at least 0.8 for at least one diabetes drug class during the measurement period (12 consecutive months)


Adherence to Statins for Individuals with Diabetes Mellitus

The measure addresses adherence to statins. The measure is reported as the percentage of eligible individuals with diabetes mellitus who had at least two prescriptions for statins and who have a Proportion of Days Covered (PDC) of at least 0.8 during the measurement period (12 consecutive months).


Adolescent Assessment of Preparation for Transition (ADAPT) to Adult-Focused Health Care

The Adolescent Assessment of Preparation for Transition (ADAPT) to Adult-Focused Health Care measures the quality of preparation for transition from pediatric-focused to adult-focused health care as reported in a survey completed by youth ages 16-17 years old with a chronic health condition. The ADAPT survey generates measures for each of the 3 domains: 1) Counseling on Transition Self-Management, 2) Counseling on Prescription Medication, and 3) Transfer Planning.


Ambulatory Palliative Care Patients’ Experience of Feeling Heard and Understood

This is a multi-item measure consisting of 4 items: Q1: “I felt heard and understood by this provider and team”, Q2: “I felt this provider and team put my best interests first when making recommendations about my care”, Q3: “I felt this provider and team saw me as a person, not just someone with a medical problem”, Q4: “I felt this provider and team understood what is important to me in my life.”