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All-Cause Unplanned Readmission Measure for 30 Days Post Discharge from Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs)

  • This measure estimates the risk-standardized rate of unplanned, all-cause readmissions for patients (Medicare fee-for-service [FFS] beneficiaries) discharged from a Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) who were readmitted to a short-stay acute-care hospital or a Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH), within 30 days of an LTCH discharge. The measure is based on data for 24 months of LTCH discharges to non-hospital post-acute levels of care or to the community.

    A risk-adjusted readmission rate for each facility is calculated as follows:

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Ambulatory Breast Procedure Surgical Site Infection (SSI) Outcome Measure

  • This measure is for the risk-adjusted Standardized Infection Ratio (SIR) for all Surgical Site Infections (SSI) following breast procedures conducted at ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) among adult patients (ages 18 - 108 years) and reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN). The measure compares the reported number of surgical site infections observed at an ASC with a predicted value based on nationally aggregated data.

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Annual cervical cancer screening or follow-up in high-risk women

  • This measure identifies women age 12 to 65 diagnosed with cervical dysplasia (CIN 2), cervical carcinoma-in-situ, or HIV/AIDS prior to the measurement year, and who still have a cervix, who had a cervical CA screen during the measurement year.

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Annual Dental Visit (ADV)

  • Percentage of patients 2-21 years of age who had at least one dental visit during the measurement year. This measure applies only if dental care is a covered benefit in the organization’s Medicaid contract.

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Annual monitoring for patients on persistent medications

  • The percentage of members 18 years of age and older who received at least 180 treatment days of ambulatory medication therapy for a select therapeutic agent during the measurement year and at least one therapeutic monitoring event for the therapeutic agent in the measurement year. For each product line, report each of the four rates separately and as a total rate.

    • Annual monitoring for members on angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB)
    • Annual monitoring for members on digoxin
    • Annual monitoring for members on diuretics

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