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Prenatal & Postpartum Care (PPC)

  • The percentage of deliveries of live births between November 6 of the year prior to the measurement year and November 5 of the measurement year. For these women, the measure assesses the following facets of prenatal and postpartum care:
    Rate 1: Timeliness of Prenatal Care. The percentage of deliveries that received a prenatal care visit as a member of the organization in the first trimester or within 42 days of enrollment in the organization.
    Rate 2: Postpartum Care. The percentage of deliveries that had a postpartum visit on or between 21 and 56 days after delivery.

    CBE ID

Prenatal Immunization Status

  • Percentage of deliveries in the measurement period in which women received influenza and tetanus, diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccinations.

    CBE ID

Preoperative Beta Blockade

  • Percent of patients aged 18 years and older undergoing isolated CABG who received beta blockers within 24 hours preceding surgery.

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Prescription of HIV Antiretroviral Therapy

  • Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of HIV prescribed antiretroviral therapy for the treatment of HIV infection during the measurement year

    A medical visit is any visit in an outpatient/ambulatory care setting with a nurse practitioner, physician, and/or a physician assistant who provides comprehensive HIV care.

    CBE ID

Prescription of HIV Antiretroviral Therapy

  • Percentage of patients, regardless of age, with a diagnosis of HIV prescribed antiretroviral therapy for the treatment of HIV infection during the measurement year

    A medical visit is any visit in an outpatient/ambulatory care setting with a nurse practitioner, physician, and/or a physician assistant who provides comprehensive HIV care.

    CBE ID

Pressure ulcer prevalence (hospital acquired)

  • The total number of patients that have hospital-acquired (nosocomial) category/stage II or greater pressure ulcers on the day of the prevalence measurement episode.

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Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Care

  • Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment Conducted: Percentage of home health episodes of care in which the patient was assessed for risk of developing pressure ulcers at start/resumption of care.

    Pressure Ulcer Prevention Included in Plan of Care: Percentage of home health episodes of care in which the physician-ordered plan of care included interventions to prevent pressure ulcers.

    CBE ID