The PointRight Pro Long Stay Hospitalization Measure is an MDS-based, risk-adjusted measure of the rate of hospitalization of long-stay patients (also known as “residents”) of skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) averaged across the year, weighted by the number of stays in each quarter.
Measure Specs
General Information
The numerator for the measure is the sum over four quarters of the counts of hospitalizations of the quarterly denominator populations, where hospitalizations comprise discharges directly from the SNF to an acute care hospital.
The quarterly denominator population consists of those patients present in the SNF on the first day of the quarter (the “snapshot date”) who meet the criterion for long stay on that date. The denominator for a quarter is the number of patients in the quarterly denominator population. The denominator for the measure is the sum of the quarterly denominators for the four quarters in the 12 month measurement period.
The criterion for a patient’s having a long stay is a cumulative length of stay in the facility of more than 100 days as of the snapshot date. The cumulative length of stay of a patient is the length of the current stay as of the snapshot date and plus the full lengths of stay of any previous stays that are linked to it. According to the criteria for linkage of stays used in the present measure, a stay in a SNF is linked to a subsequent stay in the SNF if the patient was discharged from the SNF to the community and was readmitted to the SNF within 10 days or fewer. All stays in a sequence of linked stays are included in the sum of days used to determine a patient’s cumulative length of stay. In these criteria the term “community” comprises private residences and all organized settings that are primarily residential in character, including senior housing, independent living facilities, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities.
A patient can contribute multiple times to the denominator for a 12 month measure period. For example, a resident continuously present in the facility for a full year would contribute four to the denominator.
There are no exclusions from the denominator; all patients in the facility on the snapshot date who meet the long stay criterion on that date are included.
Measure Record
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