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Rehospitalization During the First 30 Days of Home Health

  • Percentage of home health stays in which patients who had an acute inpatient hospitalization in the 5 days before the start of their home health stay were admitted to an acute care hospital during the 30 days following the start of the home health stay.

    CBE ID

Retained Surgical Item or Unretrieved Device Fragment Count (PDI 03)

  • The number of hospital discharges with a retained surgical item or unretrieved device fragment (secondary diagnosis) among surgical and medical patients ages 17 years and younger. Excludes normal newborns, newborns with birth weight less than 500 grams, cases with principal diagnosis of retained surgical item or unretrieved device fragment, cases with a secondary diagnosis of retained surgical item or unretrieved device fragment present on admission, and obstetric cases.

    CBE ID

Retained Surgical Item or Unretrieved Device Fragment Count (PSI 05)

  • The number of hospital discharges with a retained surgical item or unretrieved device fragment (secondary diagnosis) among surgical and medical patients ages 18 years and older or obstetric patients. Excludes cases with principal diagnosis of retained surgical item or unretrieved device fragment and cases with a secondary diagnosis of retained surgical item or unretrieved device fragment present on admission.

    CBE ID

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Assessment of Disease Activity

  • Percentage of patients 18 years and older with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and >=50% of total number of outpatient RA encounters in the measurement year with assessment of disease activity using a standardized measure.

    CBE ID

Risk-Adjusted Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) Readmission Rate

  • Risk-adjusted percentage of Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries aged 65 and older who undergo isolated coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and are discharged alive but have a subsequent acute care hospital inpatient admission within 30 days of the date of discharge from the CABG hospitalization.

    CBE ID

Risk-Adjusted Deep Sternal Wound Infection

  • Percent of patients aged 18 years and older undergoing isolated CABG for whom mediastinitis or deep sternal wound infection is diagnosed within 30 days postoperatively or at any time during the hospitalization for surgery

    CBE ID

Risk-Adjusted Operative Mortality for Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR)

  • Percent of patients aged 18 years and older undergoing Aortic Valve Replacement (AVR) who die, including both 1) all deaths occurring during the hospitalization in which the procedure was performed, even if after 30 days, and 2) those deaths occurring after discharge from the hospital, but within 30 days of the procedure

    CBE ID