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Ratio of observed over predicted rates for diagnosis of dementia

  • Ratio of the number of patients 65 and older diagnosed with dementia attributed to a clinician or practice over the number of cases predicted based on the demographic profile of that clinician or practice. Once the clinician’s or practice’s O/E ratio (i.e., ratio of the observed and expected rates) is calculated, a computation of its associated standard error (SE) can be used to draw inference whether the O/E ratio is significantly different from 1 or not.
    CBE ID

Ratio of observed over predicted rates for diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment

  • Ratio of the number of patients 65 and older diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment attributed to a clinician or practice over the number predicted based on the demographic profile of that clinician or practice. Once the clinician’s or practice’s O/E ratio (i.e., ratio of the observed and expected rates) is calculated, a computation of its associated standard error (SE) can be used to draw inference whether the O/E ratio is significantly different from 1 or not.
    CBE ID

Risk Adjusted Post-Ambulance Provider Triage Emergency Department (ED) Visit Rate Measure

  • The Risk Adjusted Post-Ambulance Provider Triage Emergency Department (ED) Visit Rate Measure (shorthand: Post-Triage ED Visit Rate Measure) assesses the quality of the triage and decision making by ambulance providers who transport low acuity patients to an alternative destination (non-ED location), or facilitate Treatment In Place (TIP), by identifying whether patients have a subsequent ED visit or death within three days.

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Serious Illness Survey for Home-Based Programs

  • The proposed measures are derived from the Serious Illness Survey for Home-Based Programs, a 36-item questionnaire designed to measure the care experiences of patients receiving care from home-based serious illness programs. Home-based serious illness programs provide care for seriously ill patients at their private residences (i.e., in their homes or assisted living facilities, not in institutions like skilled nursing facilities).
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STI Testing for People with HIV

  • Percentage of patients 13 years of age and older with a diagnosis of HIV who had tests for syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia performed within the measurement period.

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Waveform Capnography in Ventilated Patients: Percent of patient transport contacts with advanced airways in whom continuous waveform capnography was used.

  • This metric is designed to measure the critical care transport team's utilization of waveform capnography during critical care medical transport.  Waveform capnography has evolved as the standard for the safe placement and maintenance of advanced airways (e.g., endotracheal tubes) in adult and pediatric patients.  The metric specifically focuses on transported patients with advanced airways in whom continuous waveform capnography is appropriately used.  This metric is stratified by age into the following three categories: neonatal (defined as infants <29 days), pediatric (

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