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Quality Improvement with Benchmarking (external benchmarking to multiple organizations)

Valid for Measure Submission
Valid for Initial Endorsement
Valid for Maintenance

Radical Prostatectomy Pathology Reporting

  • Percentage of radical prostatectomy pathology reports that include the pT category, the pN category, the Gleason score and a statement about margin status.

    CBE ID

Restraint prevalence (vest and limb)

  • Total number of patients that have vest and/or limb restraint (upper or lower body or both) on the day of the prevalence measurement episode.

    CBE ID

Review of Unplanned PICU Readmissions

  • Periodic clinical review of unplanned readmissions to the PICU that occurred within 24 hours of discharge or transfer from the PICU.

    CBE ID

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Assessment of Disease Activity

  • Percentage of patients 18 years and older with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and >=50% of total number of outpatient RA encounters in the measurement year with assessment of disease activity using a standardized measure.

    CBE ID