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Composite weighted average for 3 CT Exam Types: Overall Percent of CT exams for which Dose Length Product is at or below the size-specific diagnostic reference level (for CT Abdomen-pelvis with contrast/single phase scan, CT Chest without contrast/single

  • Measure title continued: Composite weighted average for 3 CT Exam Types: Overall Percent of CT exams for which Dose Length Product is at or below the size-specific diagnostic reference level (for CT Abdomen-pelvis with contrast/single phase scan, CT Chest without contrast/single phase scan and CT Head/Brain without contrast/single phase scan)

    CBE ID

Comprehensive Diabetes Care

  • The percentage of patients 18–75 years of age with diabetes (type 1 and type 2) who had each of the following:
    - Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) testing (NQF#0057)
    - HbA1c poor control (>9.0%) (NQF#0059)
    - HbA1c control (<8.0%) (NQF#0575)
    - HbA1c control (<7.0%) for a selected population*
    - Eye exam (retinal) performed (NQF#0055)
    - LDL-C screening (NQF#0063)
    - LDL-C control (<100 mg/dL) (NQF#0064)
    - Medical attention for nephropathy (NQF#0062)
    - BP control (<140/90 mm Hg) (NQF#0061)
    - Smoking status and cessation advice or treatment

    CBE ID

Confirmation of Endotracheal Tube Placement

  • Any time an endotracheal tube is placed into a patients airway in the Emergency Department (ED)or a patient arrives to the ED with an endotracheal tube already in place ( via EMS or hospital transfer) there should be appropriate confirmation of ETT placement and documentation of its performance in the medical record.

    CBE ID

Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS)® Surgical Care Survey Version 2.0

  • The following 6 composites and 1 single-item measure are generated from the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS®) Surgical Care Survey. Each measure is used to assess a particular domain of surgical care quality from the patient’s perspective.

    Measure 1: Information to help you prepare for surgery (2 items)
    Measure 2: How well surgeon communicates with patients before surgery (4 items)
    Measure 3: Surgeon’s attentiveness on day of surgery (2 items)
    Measure 4: Information to help you recover from surgery (4 items)

    CBE ID

Contraceptive Care - Access to LARC

  • Percentage of women aged 15-44 years at risk of unintended pregnancy that is provided a long-acting reversible method of contraception (i.e., implants, intrauterine devices or systems (IUD/IUS)).

    It is an access measure because it is intended to identify very low rates (less than 1-2%) of long-acting reversible methods of contraception (LARC), which may signal barriers to LARC provision.

    CBE ID