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Clinician: Group/Practice

Valid for Measure Submission

Contraceptive Care - Postpartum

  • Among women ages 15 through 44 who had a live birth, the percentage that is provided:
    1) A most effective (i.e., sterilization, implants, intrauterine devices or systems (IUD/IUS)) or moderately (i.e., injectables, oral pills, patch, or ring) effective method of contraception within 3 and 60 days of delivery.

    2) A long-acting reversible method of contraception (LARC) within 3 and 60 days of delivery.

    CBE ID

Contraceptive Care – Most & Moderately Effective Methods

  • The percentage of women aged 15-44 years at risk of unintended pregnancy that is provided a most effective (i.e., sterilization, implants, intrauterine devices or systems (IUD/IUS)) or moderately effective (i.e., injectables, oral pills, patch, or ring) method of contraception.

    The measure is an intermediate outcome measure because it represents a decision that is made at the end of a clinical encounter about the type of contraceptive method a woman will use, and because of the strong association between type of contraceptive method used and risk of unintended pregnancy.

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COPD: inhaled bronchodilator therapy

  • Percentage of patients aged 18 years or older, with a diagnosis of COPD (FEV1/FVC < 70%) who have an FEV1 < 60% predicted and have symptoms who were prescribed an inhaled bronchodilator

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COPD: Spirometry Evaluation

  • Percentage of patients aged 18 years and older with a diagnosis of COPD who had spirometry results documented

    CBE ID

Counseling for Women of Childbearing Potential with Epilepsy

  • All female patients of childbearing potential (12–44 years old) diagnosed with epilepsy who were counseled or referred for counseling for how epilepsy and its treatment may affect contraception OR pregnancy at least once a year

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