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Populations at Risk

Diagnostic Imaging: Stenosis Measurement in Carotid Imaging Reports

Percentage of final reports for carotid imaging studies (neck magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), neck computerized tomographic angiography (CTA), neck duplex ultrasound, carotid angiogram) performed that include direct or indirect reference to measurements of distal internal carotid diameter as the denominator for stenosis measurement


Excess days in acute care (EDAC) after hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

This measure assesses days spent in acute care within 30 days of discharge from an inpatient hospitalization for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) to provide a patient-centered assessment of the post-discharge period. This measure is intended to capture the quality of care transitions provided to discharged patients hospitalized with AMI by collectively measuring a set of adverse acute care outcomes that can occur post-discharge: emergency department (ED) visits, observation stays, and unplanned readmissions at any time during the 30 days post-discharge.


Excess days in acute care (EDAC) after hospitalization for heart failure (HF)

The measure assesses days spent in acute care within 30 days of discharge from an inpatient hospitalization for HF to provide a patient-centered assessment of the post-discharge period. This measure is intended to capture the quality of care transitions provided to discharged patients who had a HF hospitalization by collectively measuring a set of adverse acute care outcomes that can occur post-discharge: emergency department (ED) visits, observation stays, and unplanned readmissions at any time during the 30 days post-discharge.


Excess days in acute care (EDAC) after hospitalization for pneumonia

This measure assesses days spent in acute care within 30 days of discharge from an inpatient hospitalization for pneumonia, including aspiration pneumonia or for sepsis (not severe sepsis) with a secondary discharge diagnosis of pneumonia coded in the claim as present on admission (POA) and no secondary diagnosis of severe sepsis coded as POA.


Falls: Screening, Risk-Assessment, and Plan of Care to Prevent Future Falls

This is a clinical process measure that assesses falls prevention in older adults. The measure has three rates:

A) Screening for Future Fall Risk:
Percentage of patients aged 65 years and older who were screened for future fall risk at least once within 12 months

B) Falls Risk Assessment: 
Percentage of patients aged 65 years and older with a history of falls who had a risk assessment for falls completed within 12 months

C) Plan of Care for Falls: 


Febrile Neutropenia Risk Assessment Prior to Chemotherapy

Percentage of patients with a solid malignant tumor or lymphoma who had a febrile neutropenia (FN) risk assessment completed and documented in the medical record prior to the first cycle of intravenous chemotherapy


Follow-Up After Emergency Department Visit for Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse or Dependence

The percentage of emergency department (ED) visits for members 13 years of age and older with a principal diagnosis of alcohol or other drug (AOD) abuse or dependence, who had a follow up visit for AOD. Two rates are reported:
- The percentage of ED visits for which the member received follow-up within 30 days of the ED visit (31 total days).
- The percentage of ED visits for which the member received follow-up within 7 days of the ED visit (8 total days).