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Valid for Measure Submission

Management of Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults (MUI)

  • The following components of this measure assess the management of urinary incontinence in older adults.

    - Discussing Urinary Incontinence. The percentage of Medicare members 65 years of age and older who reported having urine leakage in the past six months and who discussed their urinary leakage problem with a health care provider.

    - Treatment of Urinary Incontinence. The percentage of Medicare members 65 years of age and older who reported having urine leakage in the past six months and who treatment options for their current urine leakage problem.

    CBE ID

Management plan for people with asthma

  • Percentage of patients for whom there is documentation that a written asthma management plan was provided either to the patient or the patient’s caregiver OR, at a minimum, specific written instructions on under what conditions the patient’s doctor should be contacted or the patient should go to the emergency room

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Maternal Depression Screening

  • The percentage of children 6 months of age who had documentation of a maternal depression screening for the mother.

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Measure pair - a. Tobacco use prevention for infants, children and adolescents, b. Tobacco use cessation for infants, children and adolescents

  • Percentage of patients’ charts showing either that there is no tobacco use/exposure or (if a user) that the current use was documented at the most recent clinic visit
    Percentage of patients with documented tobacco use or exposure at the latest visit who also have documentation that their cessation interest was assessed or that they received advice to quit

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Measurement of Phosphorus Concentration

  • Percentage of all peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis patient months with serum or plasma phosphorus measured at least once within the month.

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Measurement of Serum Calcium Concentration

  • Percentage of all adult peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis patients included in the sample for analysis with serum calcium measured at least once within month

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Measuring the Value-Functions of Primary Care: Provider Level Continuity of Care Measure

  • This is a process measure evaluating primary care physicians; for each physician, their denominator is all of the patients they saw during the evaluation period who had at least 2 PCP visits (could include visits to other PCPs), and the numerator is the number of those patients whose Bice-Boxerman Continuity of Care Index is >= 0.7.

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